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Life Your Life

Dear Tori,

Tori, you will find that there are an endless amount of people in the world that will always try to tell you that THEY know how you should live your life better then you do.

In all honestly, these people are totally full of crap and are just trying to feel important by finding someone that does what they tell them. Unfortunately, there’s too many people in this world like that.


Remember this, even when you let someone else tell you how to live your life, it’s YOU that is making the decision to give them that power. You are ALWAYS in control of your life. Always know that having your own beliefs and opinions is better than just letting someone else tell you what to think. You are also not obligated to justify, debate or argue your beliefs or opinions to anyone else. What you think is none of their business unless you choose to share it with them.

Never forget that this is YOUR life. You are the one that will, in the end look back when you are ready to die and judge whether or not you are happy in how you lived it.

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