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Dear Tori.

Have you ever talked to someone, it might be a friend or relative, and they had said something that made you feel good about yourself? Maybe it’s something good they pointed out about you or something that you had done and they recognized you for it.

Did you know that these encounters and the feeling you take away from those conversations stay with you for your entire life? It’s incredible that our mind remembers and takes all of our experiences with us. Not only that, but your mind uses them to influence unconscious and conscious decisions you’ll make in the future. For example, maybe someone had noticed that you have a wonderful smile. That comment can inspire how much you smile in the future. That’s how the mind works.

The thing is Tori, the mind doesn’t just take in and remember things that makes us feel good. Unfortunately, It also takes in feelings that can make us feel bad. The same example would be if you were to tell someone they were a loser or ugly, their minds carry that with them for the rest of their life as well and could effect how they feel about themselves in the future. I'm sure no matter how mad you are at someone, you wouldn't want to be remembered as the one to do that to them.

Every moment we are changing, and every time we interact with someone else, they are changing us and we are changing them.


Everyone you come into contact with will be permanently changed by their meeting you. Whether you treat them with respect, dignity and inspiring them OR you treat them poorly, maybe trying to make them feel small or bad about themselves. Either way, you are effecting them and they will carry that experience with them for the rest of their lives and effecting their future decisions on how they treat others, and then the cycle repeats itself with the next person and so on.. and in that way, you are effecting hundreds or maybe even thousands of people you may never even meet.

This is one of the ways that you help make and change the world we live in. You have that power Tori and it’s not up to you whether or not you effect them, that WILL happen but it IS up to you to choose HOW you change them. And then you are on to the next person and moment. This occurs for the rest of your life. You will meet thousands and thousands of people in your lifetime, and they will meet millions.

So, from this moment on, now that you know you have the power to effect the feelings, inspirations and actions of so many people, what will you do with this knowledge? How do you want to change them? When you are old and grey and ready to leave this earth, you will have made a permanent mark on mankind that will speak to who you are and who you were. What will your mark be? What will it say about you after you are gone? Will it have meaning?

What masterpiece will you CHOOSE to paint on the face of mankind and the world that will speak about your individual spirit and heart when you are gone? Will there be a little more love and goodness permanently branded in the world that will say "Tori was here!"?

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