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Boys / Men

Dear Tori,

As a young woman, one of your skills is you are growing into being a highly sophisticated communication system that not only is able to communicate effectively verbaly, but also through emotions. You instictively are social and easily talk to your girlfriends about life and share experiences. This is the nature of most women.


Boys, on the other hand, have other skills and are not even close to your sophistication in these areas. Instead of talking to other boys about girls or life experiences and learning how to express their feelings, they spend most their time on the playground, learning how to be competitive playing sports or doing other things that are more physical. Boys are more at home running, tackling and performing physical acts.


This can limit their ability to communicate emotions and feelings at the level that girls their age are and can help create feelings of unsureness and awkwardness when faced with having to deal with them and situations where they need to communicate their emotions effectively. Of course not every boy is like this but in general, this can be the case.

All of this is THEIR nature. They don't have the same experience that young women have in expressing their feelings. So, it might result in having a hard time relating with them and even overestimating and becoming disappointed in their ability to express and communicate with a young woman, who is can express more easily and has been practicing with her other girlfriends daily for years.

This means that while they have emotions, they can be less experienced in knowing how to deal with and express them. They can feel frustration, but the only way they may know how to express it is as anger. They can feel love but may only know how to express it only in a physical manner, instead of other emotional aspects that also have meanings of effection to you.


The mature boys grow into mature men that have healthy relationships with women and the boys that don't learn how to correctly express their feelings and emotions sometimes develop problems in relationships.

Tori, there are extremes to this as well. If a boy is too immature in handling his feelings that he expresses it through violence, with someone else or with you, he should be avoided. It has nothing to do with something that you have done wrong or something that you haven't done. It means he is not able to express his feelings any other way and will continue to act in this manner. Period. End of story. You cannot help him with this. His emotions and ability to handle them are HIS responsibility and is a sign of his maturity as a man and it would be best to avoid him. Not all boys are like this of course, actually most aren't, but it needed to be said for the ones that are.

This doesn't mean that girls are better then boys or that boys are better then girls. I am just trying to explain some of the differences between girls and boys. Maybe this will answer some questions you may have about them.

Knowing this, it might seem a little easier understanding some of the experiences you may have had or will have in the future with boys and men as well.

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