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A Story From Your Great Grandmother

Dear Tori,

Here’s a story your great grandmother told me, about 20 years ago, that I want to share with you.

At the time, when she told me this, she was living in Southern California and I was living in Ohio. While we were on the phone, she told me that she had gone to the grocery store a few days back. While she was there, a young woman approached her.


Now, you should know that even 20 years ago, your great grandmother was about 80 years old and looks just like she should.. Like an old woman. I do not say this as disrespect, she is the most beautiful woman in the world to me and raised me more then anyone else.  Someday, you might think to ask your grandmother about her.

Yes I drifted.. Anyways, she was approached by a young women that she didn’t know and the woman, out of the blue, gave her $20. She then told your GGM that she had a few dollars extra and just wanted her to have it and to buy something nice for herself with it.


She was stunned! That’s not exactly something that happens everyday! I mean how often do you just walk up to an old person and give them whatever extra you have in your pocket? Or even think about doing that?


Well, when she told me this happened, I was so completely floored and impressed that it stayed in the front of my mind for days. I kept thinking about what type of person this young woman must be to just do that out of the blue. I mean, I try to help others as much as I can, but this was such a complete random act of selflessness and compassion that it really humbled me and I felt a great amount of thankfulness to this person that I never even met.

When you think about it, this young woman’s random act of kindness has changed the world, in ways that she doesn’t even know about.


Here I am, 20 years after that happen, still thinking about it and telling my daughter about her, on a website. 


Our acts really do change the world and this wonderful woman’s single act is still changing it. You never really can truly know how far your actions can go and I think this is a wonderful example.

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